Respected Gardening Expertise – The Gardener is recognized as the best horticultural magazine for hardy Canadian growing conditions. Every issue contains expert gardening information to overcome the challenges of gardening in a climate with short growing seasons, difficult winters and unpredictable precipitation – conditions largely ignored by national Gardening magazines. If we show it, you can grow it!

William Hrycan – William is the Horticultural Editor and a frequent contributor to the Gardener. His roles with the Gardener includes working with the editorial committee to plan and edit each issue, ensuring horticultural accuracy of all submitted articles, but he also enjoys learning from the wide range of expertise from the many great contributing authors. In addition to his roles with the Gardener, William is a landscape architect, photographer and devoted father.
William learned to garden in central Alberta and now gardens in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, with his two young daughters. Like any true gardening addict, William gardens wherever and whenever he can, in backyard vegetable plots, front yard raised beds, containers and straw bales on his driveway, with friends and neighbours in his community garden plot, and occasionally on vacant city land.
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Noelle Chorney – Noelle Chorney comes from a long line of gardeners and storytellers. She loves integrating those aspects of herself as the Managing Editor of The Gardener. Raised in rural northeast Saskatchewan, she is deeply connected to the idiosyncrasies of the northern seasons and loves selecting just the right stories for cool climate gardeners.
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Ruth Anne Chorney – (nee Althouse) is an educator, writer and farmer who lives in northeast Saskatchewan. Besides having a regular column in The Gardener, she has published four children’s books and some poems, as well as several anthologies in conjunction with the Tisdale Writers Group. Her passions include gardening, cooking, horseback riding, reading, writing and learning new things. She enjoys interacting with people of all ages, especially her large and gregarious family.
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Maureen– Maureen Troesch grew up on a small farm outside the village of Edam, Saskatchewan. She spent what seemed a large portion of her childhood helping her mother tend her vast and varied garden, and at the age of 12, declared that when she grew up, she was going to move into the city and never touch dirt ever again.
She graduated from the University of Saskatchewan's College of Agriculture with a B.Sc. Ag. in horticulture in 1995. She’s been working in agricultural research on various projects since finishing school, but gardening remains her first love. Her home (and garden) are in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. So she was half right.
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