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3 Options to buy a Gift Subscription.

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The Gardener magazine,
Box 838, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, S7K 3L7



Gift Subscription - Online (each gift subscription must be ordered separately) 

Buy your subscription online and pay by credit card. Choose a one or two year subscription and pay securely via the PayPal website.

You can use our payment system without having a PayPal Account. Simply use the “Pay with Credit or Visa Debit Card” option (one time payment) once you enter the PayPal website.

IMPORTANT: After filling in your credit card information, please uncheck the box below in order to enter the gift recipient’s name and mailing information. Another shipping address field will appear.

 Uncheck Ship


Please note: If you are not a PayPal member or do not wish to become one, uncheck the PayPal account option that appears under the Contact Information.